Gaming is the leading medium. Make learning fun with Gamification.

Attention is short. Enter the world of gaming, change the pace and learn through doing, winning and losing.
Transform learning with Gaming
In the US
of American adults play games.
Of Those Who Play
game with others online or in-person at least weekly.
We are a nation of video game players. This became increasingly clear during the global COVID-19 pandemic, as we all adapted to working, learning and playing at home. People from all walks of life reached for video games to find joy, connection and a sense of belonging when it was needed the most. And games continue to be a positive source of entertainment and comfort. Find out more from the 2021 Essential Facts by ESA.

Gaming is the leading medium.

Bigger than movies and music combined and accounting for more than half of all entertainment spend, gaming is intertwined in our society
Talk to us about Gamification
Enhance Engagement
The utilization of gamification can enhance learner engagement, boost retention and cut costs.
Active Learning
Learners learn through doing, winning and losing, rather than passively learning, traditionally
Better Retention
Interactive experiences often leave a larger impression helping learners retain more knowledge
Bespoke & Ambitious
Learners perform 3 times better than compared to traditional passive learning techniques.

Make Learning Fun with Gamification

Boost learner adoption with badges, points, levels, rewards, and leaderboards. Customize the experience to match your goals.
Integrated & Optimised
Engage your learners on any device while easily integrating with Learning Management Systems.
Licenced & Bespoke Games
We have a library of well-known and bespoke games that can be customized and branded to your needs.
Making Assessments Fun
Gamification makes assessments fun and can really benefit those that often struggle with typical assessments.
Let's make learning fun.
When it comes to damage; only in the prevention, lies the cure.